Social Distancing - Take Advantage of At-Home Time to Advance Your Yoga Teaching Training Online

Social Distancing - Take Advantage of At-Home Time to Advance Your Yoga Teaching Training Online

Social distancing, working from home, and spending more time virtually on screen have brought many new challenges to navigate. However, with remote learning technology on the rise, more opportunities to engage in advanced yoga teacher training online have opened up!

Not only do these Advanced Yoga Teacher Training online courses allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home, but they are also accredited and can be used to advance your yoga teaching training certifications while you wait for things to get back to normal.

Here are a few ways to take advantage of remote learning to advance your career as a yoga teacher.

Continue your education and enroll in advanced yoga teacher training online

In case you were wondering – yes, you can take advanced yoga teacher training online!

If you are an RYT200 and have been putting off advanced yoga teacher training, now is the time to enroll. Especially when you consider that you can use advanced training online to pursue anything from RYT300, RYT500, and IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist programs. Not to mention, the remote learning technology has greatly improved in the past year!

Click here to read our recent guide on how to maximize the power of new technology to setup the perfect online learning environment.

Take advantage of the affordability of online learning

Online advanced yoga teacher trainings are often more affordable than in-person classes, and there is no expensive travel or commuting time to factor into your budget.   

When technology is your classroom, you can also learn from anyone, anywhere in the world; your favorite mentors and your dream schools are all within reach. If you long to study a lineage that isn't available locally, it's now possible to do so. 

Take this time to dive deeper into yoga philosophies and more

Use this time to dive deeper into your yoga knowledge with a formal online program and investigate further the long history and philosophical elements of yoga. You can go beyond asana, back in time to the Vedic origins of this powerful practice.  

Options for training can slide right into your schedule. Concentrate on single topics for continuing education hours or pursue your RYT300 or RYT500. Further specialized training, like becoming an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, is also an option! 

Enjoy a flexible schedule and more self-paced learning options

Online models of advanced yoga teacher trainings give you the flexibility to study in your time frame. While some classes will be live online, most are also available for review at your leisure. For visual and auditory learners, this is a beautiful perk of at-home training. 

For more interpersonal learning styles, online advanced yoga teacher trainings still allow for relationship development between mentors and students, often at more convenient times! For solitary learners, there's nothing more uniquely suited than online education.   

Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of pursuing advanced yoga teacher training online is the opportunity to study within your current lifestyle. Outings, assignments, and practice sessions happen when you can fully dedicate yourself to them. In some ways, this also encourages you to practice more self-love! 

The new way of teaching

Becoming a student again provides humility and experience towards becoming a better yoga teacher. In today's virtual existence, mastering communication and intent over the internet via screens is part art, part technology, and part practice.

Your guidance and leadership techniques will sharpen when you are on the receiving end of instruction, and your future students will thank you. 

As a yoga teacher, you can learn how what you like (or don’t like) about online learning and use that knowledge to setup your own online courses as well.

Be mindful of your time and take advantage of remote learning for advanced yoga teacher training 

Our new home-centric lifestyle has undoubtedly taken some getting used to, but it has also opened the door to new possibilities like continuing your yoga teacher training online.

Digging deeper into your own needs and curiosities about yoga is a wise investment of time.

While you’re here, we’d love to invite you to check out Prema Yoga Institute, which is longer limited to New York City and is now available online with interactive trainings through 2022.

Prema Yoga Institute is an accredited program based in New York city, teaching students around the globe through online classes.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your yoga practice and teaching!

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