Yes, You Can Take Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Online

Yes, You Can Take Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Online

In 2021, online advanced yoga teacher trainings are becoming exceedingly popular and now is the perfect time to explore your options. From RYT300, RYT500, and IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist programs – there are a lot of online yoga teacher training programs to meet your needs.

In general, there are many advantages to becoming an RYT500 and being able to earn legitimate certification online due to advancements in technology has made it a much more achievable option.

Read on to learn about finding accredited online advanced yoga teacher training and the benefits of continuing your education online.

A quick review of continuing education as a yoga teacher:

Yoga Alliance requires 75 hours of continuing education credits over three years to remain registered as a RYT200. Of those hours, 30 are educational hours, and 45 are teaching hours.  

As you know, RYT300 and RYT500 programs deepen the coursework and practical skills of the RYT200 program.

Becoming an IAYT Yoga Therapist involves at least 800 hours of advanced coursework after your RYT200. Yoga therapy marries traditional yoga techniques with evidence-informed practices to support a client’s health and wellness. The path towards yoga therapy gives you specialized tools and education to support your clients’ health needs.

Every yoga teacher should consider pursuing these advanced curriculums. Advanced training will sharpen your teaching skills, deepen your understanding of yoga, and provide career advancement opportunities. 

How to find an accredited program.

Deciding on an accredited program is not daunting! You can explore local options and non-local options. As online accredited advanced yoga teacher training programs are offered nationwide through 2022, your choices have expanded without the travel. 

Both Yoga Alliance and The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) offer searchable databases of their accredited schools. These organizations accept online classes towards their respective certifications. 

With virtual study, your options have expanded exponentially. Programs from all over the country are now available at your fingertips. 

There are many benefits of continuing your yoga teacher training online.

Enrolling in an online advanced yoga teacher training will allow for flexible learning at your own pace. Bringing education into your home also saves time and money. There is no commuting time and no travel expenses. Your carbon footprint will thank you, too!

Your access to instructors won't change online. Live sessions generally include chat features and breakout sessions to allow for interaction. Email is also available for those light-bulb moments that happen when you are away from the scheduled class. 

Courses are generally available online after they have gone live. The ability to review instruction provides clarity, reinforces your understanding, and is a valuable study aid. On-demand review of a live class can also fit into anyone's schedule and preferred study times, provided the live hour requirements of a training are met. 

Enrolling in online advanced yoga teacher training will also give you insights into how your students feel during online yoga classes. Becoming an online student adapts your teaching skills to a virtual model of instruction, seeing a yoga practice from both sides of the screen.

Online advanced yoga teacher trainings often include modules for completion in a flexible framework. Having the freedom to choose the sequence of courses supports your style of learning. Arrange classes around your schedule and interests!

A few quick tips when taking advanced yoga training online:

While taking advanced yoga training online has many benefits, it is going to feel a bit different than taking classes in-person. Below are a few quick tips to keep you focused during class.

·        Make your online studies part of your routine and schedule. Just as you would drive to class, move to a unique location in your home created for learning. 

·        Emphasize functionality and minimize distractions when designing your space. Have a large screen, comfortable seating, your needed yoga equipment and ample soft lighting.  

·        Minimize noise distractions, and let others know that you will need to be undisturbed during class time. Be sure to review on-demand versions of the livestream if you miss anything.

·        Don’t be afraid to use “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone when your class starts – the less distractions the better.

·        If you plan to teach your own classes online, use your experiences in this new learning model as a way to connect and show compassion to your students. It's a new world, and we are all trying to adapt. 

With so many great online advanced yoga teacher training programs, now is the time to consider enrolling!

Hopefully, this blog gave you an overview of what is available online, as well as the many benefits of pursuing online advanced yoga teacher training programs.

While you’re here, we’d love to invite you to check out Prema Yoga Institute, which is longer limited to New York City and is now available online with interactive trainings through 2022. PYI is an accredited program based in New York city, teaching students around the globe through online classes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your yoga practice and teaching!

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